Organização: AIM Group International
Temática: Neonatal brain, kidney, chest,spine and abdomen ultrasound
Resumo: It's the eighth edition of an International US Course open to paediatricians and paediatric radiologists, which are just making US exams and they like to develop their knowledge. The official language is English.The Course is limited to 40 participants.The Course will give UEMS and CME credits.
Programa (

Comunic. Livres: Sim
Envio de Resumos: 12/10/2015
Secretariado: AIM Group International-Florence Office, Viale Mazzini,70 Florence
Site de Internet:
Outras Informações
- Venue: Palazzo Ricasoli Polihotels Via delle Mantellate,2 Florence
- E-mail:
- Telefono: +39 390552338828 (Mrs Rita Pestellini)