Local: Centro de Congressos da Ordem dos Médicos, no Porto
Dia: 5 de Novembro de 2015 a 7 de Novembro de 2015
Organização: Sociedade Portuguesa de Genética Humana
Genetic variant databases: their present and future roles in Human Genetics
Advances in diagnosis and treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Personal genomics, horoscopes and forensic genetics
Pre-clinical studies for the development of pharmacological treatment in hereditary amyloidosis
aCGH in PND: data, decisions and dilemmas
NIPT workflow implementation and technology considerations
Face2Gene: facial dysmorphology automated analysis in clinical genetics
From genes to genomes in Medical Genetics: new possibilities and new challenges
News in diagnosis and treatment of Lysosomal Storage Disorders (LSD)
Cancer Immunotherapy and Tumor Escape
The changing landscape in BRCA1/2 testing for ovarian cancer predisposition and treatment: is tumor testing first the new standard practice?
De novo mutations in Intellectual Disability
Bioethical evaluation of the new reproductive techniques for mitochondrial disorders prevention
Adress of the ESHG President
Outras informações:
Programa preliminar (446kb)
Cartaz (1105kb)