Local: Génova, Itália
Dia: 29 de Maio de 2008 a 1 de Junho de 2008
Sponsored by the Marie Curie Actions programme (MSCF-CT-2006-046108), Translational Research in Paediatric Rheumatology - TRiPR - endeavours to acquaint younger generations of European researchers and clinicians, through a series of four coherent conferences, with the key issues underlying the development of new therapeutic strategies for paediatric rheumatic diseases, seeking above all to enhance their translational research skills in the field.
Conference goal and expected outcome:
Using the field of rare paediatric rheumatic disorders as a paradigm, “Anticipating Changes in Drug Development for Children: Building on Paediatric Rheumatology” will examine the medicines research and development process, from pre-clinical and early-phase clinical development, to biomarker validation, study design and management, data analysis, ethical review, regulatory submission and research governance. The conference is meant to further stimulate interaction among the three major stakeholders in the drug development process, namely, academia, industry and regulatory authorities. One benchmarking deliverable of the conference will be a publishable consensus report examining in detail the critical issues driving the development of medicines for children with rheumatic diseases, highlighting as well the emerging means, tools and methodologies to facilitate and perform trials in children with rare disorders.
Programme Highlights:
The regulatory framework; Clinical trials: Methodology and Networking; Translational Medicine and Therapeutics for Paediatric Rheumatology
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Mais informação no site: www.tripr.sispge.com
Telef.: +390 105 636 807
email: tomwiley@ospedale-gaslini.ge.it