Organização: AIM Group International Florence Office
Temática: Neonatal Ultrasonography
Resumo: It's the tenth edition of an International Course about Neonatal Ultrasonography.It's a Course about neonatal kidney,chest,spine,abdomen and brain ultrasound.It's a theoretical Course with special sessions of practical exams of phantom abdomen.During the lessons the participants have to answer many tests. The Course is open to neonatologists,paediatricians and paediatric radiologists.It's language is English.
Programa (PDF96KB)
Comunic. Livres: Sim
Envio de Resumos: 28/2/2018
Secretariado: AIM Group International Florence Office
----Site de Internet----
Outras Informações: The aim of the Course is the dialogue among the whole group of participants with different level of expertise and between the them and the teachers.